And If Love Remains
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Discussing Passions That Move Us
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Episode 188 - The Halloween Poem by Pumpkin Rot
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Episode 6 - Women Warriors of Liberty: Hortensia's Stand Against Tyranny

In this riveting episode of The Return To Tradition Podcast, hosts Dr. Joe Wolverton and Mike Leavitt delve into the compelling story of Hortensia, a Roman noblewoman who boldly confronted the ruling Triumvirs about unjust taxation. The discussion opens with light-hearted banter about extreme weather and the hosts' personal experiences before transitioning to the core topic: the historical context and significance of Hortensia's speech. Through detailed storytelling, they highlight the parallels between ancient Rome and contemporary issues, emphasizing the importance of standing up against tyranny and the misuse of power. This episode serves as a powerful reminder of the timeless struggle for liberty and the role of individuals in defending their rights.

Show Notes:

Hosts: Dr. Joe Wolverton and Mike Leavitt
Opening discussion on recent weather extremes and personal anecdotes.
Main Topic: Hortensia's Stand Against the Triumvirs

Historical context: 42 BC Rome, ruled by the Triumvirate ...

Episode 192 - Great And Abominable
Episode 136 - Act Honestly And Boldly For Liberty

#RRR #liberty #2A
Dr. Joe Wolverton and I talk about his article regarding how the federal government is, again, infringing on our 2nd Amendment rights. We also discuss the EPIC movie RRR, why it's worth sacrificing for liberty, plus much, much more.

Joe's article:

Episode 203: The Delusions That Destroy Liberty: Insights From Trenchard and Gordon

In this thought-provoking episode of "And If Love Remains", hosts Mike Leavitt and Joe Wolverton dive deep into the timeless wisdom found in Cato's Letter No. 19, written by Thomas Gordon in 1721. The letter discusses the powerful influence of popular affection and antipathy towards particular men, and how this shapes politics and government.

Mike and Joe engage in a lively discussion, drawing fascinating parallels between the stately tyrants described in the letter and modern day political leaders. They explore how the delusions and imaginations of the masses are exploited, leading to a deluded populace cheerfully submitting to tyranny - as long as it's perpetrated by "their guy".

The hosts argue persuasively that the signs described in the letter - leaders aggrandizing themselves while mocking and impoverishing the people - are clear evidence that liberty is not truly established in America today. They issue a rallying cry to break free from partisan delusions, pursue real education ...

Episode 203: The Delusions That Destroy Liberty: Insights From Trenchard and Gordon
Episode 202 - Jeremy Hammond: The Root Cause Of The Israel/Palestine Conflict

In this compelling episode of "And If Love Remains," host Mike Leavitt is joined by investigative journalist and recent Soho debate victor, Jeremy Hammond, for an enlightening discussion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Delving deep into historical, legal, and ethical perspectives, Hammond challenges conventional narratives surrounding the root causes of the ongoing strife. The debate focuses on whether Palestinian refusal to acknowledge Israel is the central issue or if deeper historical injustices and policy decisions play a pivotal role. Through a respectful and civil dialogue, Leavitt and Hammond explore the implications of property rights, state legitimacy, and the pursuit of peace and justice in the region. They critically analyze the roles of international actors, including the UN and the US, in shaping the conflict's current state. This episode promises a nuanced examination of a complex issue, aiming to shed light on possible paths toward resolution.


Episode 202 - Jeremy Hammond: The Root Cause Of The Israel/Palestine Conflict
Episode 200 - Decorating Time with Tom Posen

Dr. Thomas Posen and Dr. Elias-Axel Pettersson join for a music discussion. From Beethoven to DeaadMou5!
#EDM #Music #MusicTheory #joerogan

Episode 200 - Decorating Time with Tom Posen
Episode 207 - Spiritual Conversations With Dr. James Russell
Episode 206 - The War on Informed Consent: Jeremy R. Hammond on Vaccine Policies and Parental Rights

Important links:

Original article:

Book featuring a Foreword by RFK Jr:

Follow-up article on the baseless retraction of the vax-unvax study:

Jeremy's article on being expelled from the pediatric practice for not following the CDC's recommendations:
In this episode of "And If Love Remains," host Mike Leavitt welcomes back independent journalist Jeremy R. Hammond to discuss his book, "The War on Informed Consent: The Persecution of Dr. Paul Thomas by the Oregon ...

Episode 187 - Because I Could Not Stop For Death by Emily Dickinson
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